For several years the Sciiona team had been working in Malawi with local communities to develop improved agricultural practices of intercropping trees with local crops. One of the crops was moringa, the growth and nutritional value of which was hugely impressive.
Both the Sciiona team and Prof Wendy Russell, Rowett Institute, are passionate about the benefits of moringa consumption. The teams developed a process for coating with cellulose every minute particle of the powdered moringa, masking the bitter taste and adding special benefits.
For several years the Sciiona team had been working in Malawi with local communities to develop improved agricultural practices of intercropping trees with local crops. One of the crops was moringa, the growth and nutritional value of which was hugely impressive.
Both the Sciiona team and Prof Wendy Russell, Rowett Institute, are passionate about the benefits of moringa consumption. The teams developed a process for coating with cellulose every minute particle of the powdered moringa eliminating the bitter taste and adding special benefits.
In 2017, at a strategy meeting with Prof Russell (Senior Nutritionist) Rowett, it became clear that uptake of the truly exceptional properties of this superfood weren’t being utilised because of the plant’s pungent taste. This was confirmed in human nutrition research undertaken by Prof Russell using local volunteers.
What followed was three years of intensive research and development. The outcome is Sciiona, a patented palatable moringa product that overcomes the barrier of the plants bitter taste through micro- coating with cellulose, whilst preserving all of its nutrients.
Rowett plays a major role in developing the link between diet and health. As several challenges impact on our food system, it is more important than ever that we understand the complex interplay between diet and health. The human gut and the c39 trillion microbia that reside within it play a vital role in maintaining our nutritional strength and preventing a wide spectrum of lifestyle associated disorders.
This breakthrough food product brings the advantages of moringa consumption to everyone, helping provide a robust immune system and aiding control of western-world lifestyle conditions such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
To obtain the benefits from this superfood consume the equivalent of 1-2 teaspoonfuls daily’ to get all the benefits with no taste, no mess and great versatility when adding to food. For novel and nutritious recipes see our blog.
Would you believe there are c 600,000 micro-granules in each full teaspoonful serving.
We remain committed to our original mission and as part of our long-term objective to alleviating malnutrition in young people a proportion of the sales from Sciiona will be invested in Malawi aid projects.